
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Nell Frizzell on money, motherhood and her new book
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Nell Frizzell is a journalist, Vogue columnist and the author of an upcoming memoir, The Panic Years - about the period of your life which has no name, somewhere between adolescence and the menopause. Nell calls it The Flux.
In the book, Nell talks about financial uncertainty, the cost of nursery fees, the gender pay gap, parental leave and more. She writes honestly about how she 'lay out the financial arguments' to help persuade her partner to have a child.
She says she wrote the book not only to document her own experience but also to help other people going through the same period of turmoil, and so they might find it easier than she did.
I also spoke to Hayley Millhouse of OpenMoney, who shared some practical insights on financial preparations if you're expecting a child.
Nell's book, pre-order here!
Nell's column in Vogue
Twitter: @honest_account_ / @NellFrizzell
Email: contact@anhonestaccount.co.uk
This is the last episode of series 3. Thank you so much to everyone who listened, all my guests and my fabulous sponsor OpenMoney. If you have 20 seconds to spare, please give us a review / rating and subscribe, so you don't miss any future episodes!

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Angelica Malin on girlboss culture, women-only clubs and female entrepreneurs
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Angelica Malin is an entrepreneur who runs a six-figure business including the About Time magazine and the She Started It Live Academy. She is also a writer and podcast host and has interviewed many successful women including Cherie Blair, Melanie Whelan and Natasha Devon.
So, there is really no better person to discuss 'girlboss culture'. It's had a bit of a backlash recently. Is it outdated and patronising? Or is it time we reclaimed the term to define the viewpoint of women entrepreneurs? We also discussed how Angelica built up her business, why she offers free childcare at her conference and why she's reluctant to answer specific questions, mostly from older men, about how much she earns and how many people she employs.
Hayley Millhouse from OpenMoney also shares some tips on how to start your own business!
Read Angelica's article about the term girlboss here:
More info on the next She Started It Live weekend of events, with free childcare!
Twitter: @honest_account_ / @jellymalin
Email: contact@anhonestaccount.co.uk

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Bridie Jabour on the great millennial malaise
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Before New Year, my mum sent me an op ed by Bridie Jabour, opinion editor of the Guardian Australia, called 'The Millennials at 31: Welcome to the Age of Misery'. It is about the distinct loss of ambition, wondering whether we should be defined by our jobs, our houses, whether we should have children and thinking for too long that we're special.
The article saw a massive reaction and I knew I had to interview Bridie about it. We talked about everything from the fact that it's even harder to get on the property ladder in Sydney than London, why we are trying to stop reading books for the sake of it and realising that you can be loyal to your work, but your work isn't loyal to you.
Hayley Millhouse, from our sponsor OpenMoney, also dives in with a few practical tips on how to deal with financial uncertainty.
If you're into this topic, I also really enjoyed these articles from other publications:
'How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation' in BuzzFeed, 'Workism is Making Americans Miserable' in the Atlantic, and 'Why Do Corporations Speak The Way They Do?' in Vulture
Bridie's debut novel is called My Not So Functional Family.
Inspired by Bridie's article, I wrote a newsletter topic on my malaise -- https://mailchi.mp/92c7fcaf239b/thinking-youre-special
Tweet us @honest_account_ / @bkjabour
Instagram: @an_honest_account
Email: contact@anhonestaccount.co.uk

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Forging a new life on the road with Anna Fedorova
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Research shows millennials are travel-obsessed. Not just a quick gap yah at 18 or 19, but also possibly a year out later in our careers, or even a complete lifestyle change.
Heading out on a trip is one thing, but not coming back is another. This is what fellow freelance financial writer Anna Fedorova did in 2017, packing up her entire life and traveling around Asia, and then Europe with her boyfriend - in a van. Currently in Greece, Anna sees no reason to head back to the grind of London. Her life now is cheaper, full of rock climbing, reading and having new experiences.
I asked Anna all about her travels, how she found work on the road, any relationship tips about living with her boyfriend in such close quarters (!), and what financial preparation she needed to do before heading abroad. £900 a month for all of their expenses sounds like a dream.
Anna wrote a lot more financial detail in this article for New Money here:
She also has a blog about everything from a leaking van roof to making new mates:
Hayley Millhouse, head of adviser services at OpenMoney, our sponsor, also shares some practical tips about how to prepare for a big trip!
Tweet us @honest_account_ / @FederovaAM
Instagram: @an_honest_account / @girlclimber
Email: contact@anhonestaccount.co.uk

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Iona Bain on investing, property, and being asked to work for free
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Iona Bain is very well known in financial circles. She started the Young Money Blog in 2011, later creating the Young Money Agency, and regularly appears on TV and radio, and writes for places like The Financial Times. Her MO? To empower young people with financial knowledge.
The question is what DIDN'T we talk about - pensions, property, investing, cryptocurrencies, scams, piggy banks, social media, interior decor porn, payday loans and more.
I also asked Iona if she still gets asked to work for free (unfortunately, yes) and how she negotiates her fees (think of a number then double it). She had some amazing advice about how to stop under-selling yourself and how to become more confident about your value.
Iona's book - Spare Change: How to save money, budget and be happy with your finances
Blog - The female freelance fightback: How to raise your pay in 2020
I also asked Hayley Millhouse, head of adviser services at OpenMoney, for a few tips on pensions.
Please rate, review and subscribe to this podcast! And contact us below:
Tweet us @honest_account_ / @ionayoungmoney
Instagram: @an_honest_account

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Zara Nanu on why women shouldn't have to ask for a payrise
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
The World Economic Forum says the gender pay gap will take over 200 years to close.
But why should women always have to advocate for their equality by asking for a payrise? Women are constantly told how to negotiate, how to prove their achievements. But data shows that when women do ask for a raise, they don't always get them. And we don't currently have the right to ask our manager what our male counterparts are earning.
Zara Nanu, CEO of GapSquare, uses data to try to change the way companies operate - and the way women and minorities are recruited, paid and promoted.
We talked about men taking pay cuts, the systemic barriers holding women back, and how we are finally moving past the 'Lean In' philosophy.
Hayley Millhouse of OpenMoney also gave some financial advice about equal pay. OpenMoney aims to make financial advice affordable and accessible to everyone - head to www.open-money.co.uk
You can find us on Twitter: @honest_account_ / @ZaraNanu /

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Nicola Slawson and Tola Fisher on money at Christmas, and New Year's resolutions
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Christmas is a time of presents (brown paper and string this year), giving relatives the same vouchers as last year and spending money (until you don't have any left). Boxing Day sucks some of us in, and New Year's resolutions are made and broken, in my case, very quickly.
To discuss this exciting and expensive time of year, I'm joined by freelance journalist Nicola Slawson and women's magazine editor Tola Fisher. While sipping mulled wine and eating these strange custard biscuit things, we talk about the biggest money lessons we've learnt in 2019, learning to sew, going on a ski season age 30, why perhaps it's better to 'trust' it will all work out, being single while making life plans, and buying copper kettle swans online and seriously regretting it. Shout out to Shrewsbury's tourist board.
Thank you to Moneybox for sponsoring An Honest Account for two seasons.
Tweet us @honest_account / @Nicola_Slawson / @christcouture
Email: contact@anhonestaccount.co.uk
Nicola writes a really funny, relevant email newsletter for single women, called The Single Supplement - sign up here
Tola's just finished her memoir! "Still Standing - Lessons From An 'Unsuccessful' Life". It's out in June and you can add it to your wishlist here
See you in 2020!

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Rachel Hosie on the industry of wellness, paid Instagram posts and 'F45'
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
What are F45 and Orangetheory? How much do you earn for a paid Instagram post? Do you need to be a member of an expensive gym if you want to stick to it? Why are we obsessed with spelt flour in every recipe?
Wellness is big business these days, valued at over $4 trillion. We might laugh at Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop, but many of us nonetheless fall into the wellness trap, believing we can buy and exercise our way to a perfect version of ourselves.
Rachael Revesz talks to Rachel Hosie, the senior lifestyle journalist at Insider and fitness and nutrition columnist, about cutting her body fat by 50% in six months and maintaining boundaries between wellness and madness.
Tweet @honest_account / @rachel_hosie
Instagram @an_honest_account / @rachel_hosie
Rachel's journey on cutting half her body fat in six months
Jia Tolentino's essay on wellness and the tyranny of the ideal woman
Ellie Goulding on why she is so concerned about Instagram:
Sofie Hagen's memoir, 'Happy Fat', is brilliant and her podcast is called 'Made of Human'

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Jenn Selby on politics and money, and standing against Mark Field
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Journalist, women's rights campaigner and rape survivor Jenn Selby made headlines this year when she stood as a parliamentary candidate against Mark Field, the Tory MP who was filmed grabbing a female Greenpeace activist by the neck. He stood down shortly after the campaign commenced, citing 'divisive politics'.
Selby also managed to get the Lib Dems to adopt Women's Equality Party policies in exchange for her standing down in the seat of Cities of London and Westminster, handing over the reigns to Chuka Umunna.
But how do you campaign for parliament (and also gear up to stand in the London Assembly elections next year) and still make money to pay your rent? What is the toll of constantly having to tell the story of how you survived male violence and maintain your mental health?
Tweet us @honest_account_ / @JennSelby
We're on Instagram @an_honest_account
Email us: contact@anhonestaccount.co.uk
Women's Equality Party stands aside for Lib Dems in two seats:
Mark Field, MP who manhandled protester, steps down over 'divisive politics'
Jenn Selby in The Independent - We got Mark Field to step down, but the fight is far from over

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Bola Sol is a self-defined personal finance guru - but not because she has a lot of money or because she has it all sorted.
The new generation of money 'influencers' are about being open and relatable and real, rather than posting pictures with designer handbags. Bola encourages us to have a total rethink on how we talk about and behave around money. At 27, she is open about her personal challenges and learning from failure. In fact, the phrase 'money philosopher' feels more accurate.
We talked about staring at old people (pensions... ), why a credit card is not your friend and when we should take a step back from social media.
Rate, review and subscribe to this podcast!
Tweet us at @honest_account_ / @Bola_Sol
Instagram: @an_honest_account / @bola_sol
Email us at contact@anhonestaccount.co.uk
Bola Sol at a money event with the Financial Times / Black Ballad:
The Bola Sol show:
Article quoting Bola on home ownership among black homeownership: